23.02.2022 15:04

The Meaning of Biblical Purple Color

The Meaning of Biblical Purple Color

In the Bible, purple is a color that holds special significance and symbolism. Throughout history, purple has been associated with royalty, wealth, and luxury. It is often referred to as "royal purple" because it was a color worn by kings and queens.

However, in the Bible, purple is not just a color of wealth and power, but also carries spiritual meanings. Purple is mentioned multiple times in the Bible and is often associated with royalty. For example, in the Old Testament, purple is mentioned in the description of the tabernacle and the vestments of priests.

One of the most famous references to purple in the Bible is in the New Testament when Jesus was mocked by the Roman soldiers before his crucifixion. They dressed him in a purple robe, placed a crown of thorns on his head, and mocked him as the "King of the Jews." This event symbolizes the sacrificial and royal nature of Jesus' kingship.

Overall, the biblical purple color symbolizes royalty, nobility, and strength. It is a color that represents both worldly power and spiritual significance. So, whenever you see the color purple in the Bible, remember its rich symbolism and the important role it plays in conveying deeper meanings.