30.09.2020 15:13

The Startling Phenomenon of a Bird Hitting a Window

The Startling Phenomenon of a Bird Hitting a Window

It's a calm, sunny day and you're sitting by the window enjoying a book or your morning coffee. Suddenly, there's a loud thud as a bird flies straight into the glass. This startling occurrence is not uncommon and leaves many puzzled as to why it happens.

For both children and adults, witnessing a bird hitting a window can be distressing. But fear not, there are explanations for this behavior. Birds, especially small songbirds, can mistake reflections in windows for open spaces or see their own reflections and perceive them as a threat. This can lead to them flying into the glass at full speed.

There are ways to prevent these collisions and keep our feathered friends safe. Placing decals or stickers on windows can help break up reflections and make them more visible to birds. Installing screens or netting outside of windows can also provide a barrier that prevents birds from striking the glass. Additionally, keeping blinds or curtains partially closed can reduce the reflection and make windows less confusing for birds.

So next time you hear that familiar thud against the window, remember that it's a common occurrence for birds to accidentally fly into glass. By taking simple steps to prevent collisions, we can help keep our avian friends safe and enjoy their presence without the worry of them getting hurt.